How to Take Maximum Advantage of Opportunity - Dr Gbenga Ajayi - URBAN HIT NEWS



Monday, January 14, 2019

How to Take Maximum Advantage of Opportunity - Dr Gbenga Ajayi

He is Dr Gbenga Ajayi. He is a lecturer in the Department of Sociology of Osun State University. And he is blazing a new trail in the task preparing young people for life after school.
Dr Gbenga, as he is called by his students, joined Osun Statae University as a one of the pioneer staff called special doctoral staff in 2007. He was initially with the department of Political Science but moved to the department of Sociology when it started in 2012.
According to him, "being a lecturer has given him a close look at the life of the typical African youth. He says he is aware of the tremendous potential as well as the challenges confronting these young people. Many young people make the wrong choices which condemn them to a mediocre life. This is needless" he says.
According to Dr Gbenga Ajayi. People respond differently to the current socioeconomic challenges confronting African youth. Some complain and criticize the government. Some others blame the youth themselves. He decided to do something constructive about the situation.
And this is why he has started a movement called maximum advantage. This, he says, is the mindset that transforms you from who you are to who you want to be, from where you are to wherever you want to go. He says it is about recognizing those seemingly small opportunities around us and maximizing them to create bigger opportunities. That is the story of all successful people all over the African continent. They take maximum advantage of their little opportunities and consequently become leaders in their fields.
The problem, he says, is most people don't know their real opportunities, or don't know how to maximize them or both. And this is where he wants to help.
Why does he want to do this? He says this is his calling. This is what fulfills him. He has been doing it as a lecturer for over ten years and now wants to do more. For instance, he has organized some of the students on his campus into a group where he exposes them to opportunities outside the school that they may not be aware of and he instructs them on how to seize those opportunities.
Now he is starting a podcast called the maximum advantage podcast. Here he draws lessons out of the stories of different types of people  some famous, some yet to be famous  who are examples of the maximum advantage mindset.

You can download the first episode here;

Connect With Dr Gbenga On Social Media

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