Three Selfish Things That Kill Relationship - Adekanmi Praise A - URBAN HIT NEWS



Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Three Selfish Things That Kill Relationship - Adekanmi Praise A

In any relationship, Act of been selfish is a great poison to it health, but in actual sense people cannot  do without selfishness as well. As it often show up in their  behaviour unknowingly. No relationship head to success if there is a reflection of selfishness on it.
People tends to be selfish without  thinking about it negative impact that follows. More often  than not, people display selfish tendencies without noticing it. In any human, selfishness is that  natural behaviour, only with our resides the decision to exhibit it, which it is better not to be selfish in any manner than looking for remedy to what hazard selfishness has done.

These are some selfish behaviour partners exhibit in their behaviour in any relationship;

1. Always Claiming  to be Right

In relationship, when you always claim to be right, refuse to take blame no matter how you are wrong, it a sign of selfishness. In other to eradicate this you have to see things from your partners perspective, because  if this this habit continue, inferiority  complex will set in. Selfishness is of more harm than good as it surfaces often.

2. Always Having Things your Way.

To any human looking for partners to spend the rest of his life with? We always refer to our partners as better half of ourself which mean a total acceptance of incompleteness  of ourself( we are incomplete without them). Despite this acceptance people still do things in their way without considering opinion  from our partners, this attitude will make them feel less important. As a matter of fact all decision are meant to be taken together. This behaviour is so rampant among people in relationship these days. How ever we have to note that a relationship  is a two-way street; it should not be a podium for duel between partners but an opportunity for them to iron each other weaknesses and co-habit in unity, also compliment each other's  effort and cover up for weaknesses respectively. We have to know that having things  in our way does not signify victory in any manner but coming together  with a better understanding tell a tales about victory.

3.  Emotional Blackmails

Emotional blackmail is the process in which an individual makes demands and threats to manipulative another person to get what they want. This should not be a better idea no matter what. Apparently it shows that you do not care about your partner's emotions. It mean includes making of his/her misdeed to shut him or her up which has been forgotten since or something that pain them most.
These point listed  above are sign of selfishness been displayed in a relationship which if care is not taken it will ruin our relationship.

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